Day 44 - Barely enough time to blog!


I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to abdicate my responsibility to myself to dedicate enough time for a daily entry to this blog.


When and as I see myself turn away from the responsibility to blog, I stop I breathe.

I realize that when I shy away from the task that I have set for myself, I am being dishonest, through trying to run or hide from myself. Within this, I must realize that me then, is me now, is me in the future, so a commitment or promise to self to blog daily must stand stable through time.

I commit myself to being honest with myself and others within the words that I speak.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dan, same here! It gets more complex if besides self-dishonesty you have to deal with physical limitations like real fatigue, eye/sight problems, other priorities and still ask yourself if you should not have prioritized, within these limitations, the fact you should write your blog.

    When I look at myself I see that there is a gray area where I have to deal with real physical limitations but where I also know that I am dealing with resistances that can be as futile as not being sure if the SF sentences I write are effective enough.
