Day 2 - Procrasting on Purpose

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to procrastinate a task.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to not focus on and accomplish the primary task before the secondary tasks.

I forgive myself that I've accepted and allowed myself to intentionally avoid the doing the primary task because I deem the secondary tasks as worthy.

I forgive myself for justifying the procrastination with productive secondary tasks.

I forgive myself for allowing myself to fall into avoidance of important tasks.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define important tasks as difficult and then so put them off so that I may better "prepare" for them.

I forgive myself for not addressing this avoidance pattern earlier, like when I was in school.

I forgive myself for believing that it is hard to accomplish the primary task without an external force, such as the clock and deadlines.

I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to fear being unable to stop my procrastination habits.

Last minute photo for this post :)

I commit myself to non-avoidance.

I commit myself to complete the tasks which I place as primary before I move on to secondary tasks, unless I've established an agreement with myself that permits this.

I commit myself to face myself when I next realize myself putting off or avoiding the primary task, and in this moment of honesty, direct myself accordingly.

I commit myself to show that my directive principle is effective in overcoming procrastination.

I commit myself to stand as an example for those who have not recognized similar patterns within themselves.

I commit myself to the diligent completion of my primary tasks before I aimlessly knock-out secondary tasks.

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