So recap of the delusion: I have been fortunate. This means I'm special. If I am special and lucky, maybe it is my own doing via Law of Attraction (LOA). I am powerful.
Okay, thank goodness I found Desteni before my spiritual ascension endeavors took my ego-delusion to higher levels. This personality related to money is extensive and today's post will just cover the lucky sliver. My first money personality post can be found here.
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I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I can attract wealth without having to work for it and that there would be no consequence for this little (LOA) trick.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I am special and important because of my apparent luck.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define my purpose and destiny from the starting point that I am lucky and therefore more able to be important.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define my self-worth in accordance to how much luck I have or am able to cultivate.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define my past luck as significant to who I am.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to believe that I will always have enough and can be supported through luckiness.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define myself as lucky and through that justify my lack of work ethic because working hard had never been required of me to be satisfied. Moderately spoiled was plenty enough to breed ignorance of the world-wide ratio for relative work ethic to basic needs met.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to think that I can be successful without putting in a hard work ethic because I am able to perpetuate my luck.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to base my decision to give back to the world through/because I have been lucky in life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to walk with Desteni based on the decision to give back to the world through/because I have been lucky in life.
I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to place value and worth within luck, and thus I forgive myself for accepting and allowing myself to define my value and worth according to how lucky I have been.
When and as I see myself within fortune and reacting positively, I stop I breathe. I realize that by placing value into this lucky happenstance, I am supporting my relationship within luck. I commit myself to working hard regardless of lucky breaks.
When and as I see myself wishing/hoping for something and expecting to get it because "I create my own luck," I stop I breathe. I realize that even though I wrote about this yesterday, I still will have a habit to attempt to use these "special powers" to benefit me. I commit myself to stop manifesting luck through energy/mind.
When and as I see myself relying on or assuming good fortune in the future, I stop I breathe. I realize that only the physical movement of creation is real, and that by using LOA to manifest an outcome without physical effort, it is temporary, unstable, and I am accumulating consequence. I commit myself to stop assuming a positive outcome, and instead create a positive outcome through practical, physical influence.
When and as I see myself as lucky, I stop I breathe. I realize this as an embedded self-definition that I have programmed into my personality design. I commit myself to realizing who I am as the breath of my physical and ending all mental self-definitions.
When and as I see myself believing myself to be special and/or important, I stop I breathe. I realize that my past experiences with luck have shaped who I think myself to be. I realize this as the delusion of self. I commit myself to exposing all self-definitions that are not strictly life, so that I can see my created personality and forgive myself for thinking that is who I am.
When and as I see myself utter the word LUCK, I stop I breathe. I realize that I can set flag points as words to bring myself back into my breath. I commit myself to checking to see how I have used the word luck to find how I still relate to the word. I commit myself to walking the purification process of the spoken word, word by word. Word? Word.
Check out to have your voice heard, so your children won't have to be so lucky.
really cool, but I have something to add, another place for you to dig: you are lucky, yes, but most of your luck is actually privilege (white, middle/upper-class, able-bodied male in USA, etc.), so maybe examine how your luck isn't really chance or LOA but is circumstantial based on your physical characteristics within fucked up country- and world-wide inequalities. your "luck" will probably continue because of this (but keep working to work hard; earn it), but how does this privilege change how you can give back to the world? how does this privilege change who you are when you give back to the world?
ReplyDeleteThis was just an introductory post about how I've defined myself as lucky. I had a starting point of wanting to give back to the world because I am fortunate and able to do so, and I no longer accept and allow this. This starting point is in polarity, and when I am feeling unlucky, I will not want to give back to the world. I am standing up to support myself and the world equally as one, and any "lucky" motivations I have indicate how I have separated myself from others. True self-support requires no luck oriented self-definition. Clear?