This behavior has been studied by people with big money, obviously, and for a long time before the internet generations. So it begs the question, how are the big players of today, capitalizing on our lack of impulse control and desire for stimulations?
Who are the big players in the attention market today? You know the ones. Just pay attention, to where your attention goes when you're connected to the interwebz, most of the time.
Cool crypto side note: The new Brave browser works in conjunction with the Basic Attention Token (BAT) to reward the web content producers based on the time you spend on their websites. I like that it brings more awareness and control of our attention, back to self, instead of those evil marketing scientists vying for our attention, and effectively so! (A multi-billion dollar market!)
The economy of attention is a wonderful concept to bring into awareness. First understand it, then observe self in relation to the new information, then start integrating it into self-awareness. That's done in the physical. Like any practice: Small, humble steps in the beginning. Then you pick up pace, ask smarter questions, take more risks, have a few falls... But before you know it, you're directing your attention with more meta-awareness than you ever even knew was possible!..for example.
Education is a powerful force, when we make it so. I could go on about my thrills and throw downs around this topic of education, but that'll be for blogs to come. The main point to take note of here is: our connection to information is monumentally faster than EVER BEFORE. To the student wielding pointed questions, this is an incredibly powerful tool.
...And with great power comes, great:
Kind of a hectic word in my history. But with time, it's growing on me. I've wanted to avoid it, but I like power....hmmm..
I've come to find that there is a direct relationship to responsibility and power. I've sought the leveraged way for many years, trying to do half the work and "earn" twice as much. I saw that others in the world were doing this, and I couldn't see anything preventing me from doing just the same.
So, I asked that question: Why not me?
Years later and because I had become a savvy web user, the answer was able to arrive.
Throughout my schooling years, I utilized the interwebz to seek higher truths. At the end of '09, Desteni group found my attention. I had a blast assimilating that information, because it rang true, based on what I had been reading and researching up to then...but there was one little hiccup. The concept of oneness and equality sounds great, but then I slowly began to realize that if I'm equal, then I can't be more than others, and that was why I started on as a truth-seeker, just lovin' up on the interwebz, learning all I could, so that I could know more than others, and ultimately..save them.
So, years of integration later, I'm still dismantling the savior complex, realizing how normal I am, seeing me as the accepted and allowed programming, and gently letting that of me go, as I breathe into a new physical moment with my body. The equation of oneness and equality is fairly simple in the physical plane of existence. ie. 1+1=2; What is best for all? Piece a cake.
All this to say that my childhood dreams of leveraging intellect to save the world with the least amount of effort, came crashing down. In ways, they're still crashin'!
What I'm finding as the more I let that go, the more stable I am in my workflow, my "generative output" as I like to call it. And with practice, I'm getting more and more honed in on that sweet spot of responsibly directing my attention in the physical for the highest good that I can create, for myself and ultimately others, too. It's an accumulative and worthwhile effort.
With regards to using the interweb to connect with people...
I'll get to that tomorrow.
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